Sunday, 18 January 2015

Group Interactivity in the Classroom

Beauchamp and Kennewell explore categories of interactivity in group and individual work using ICT (2009).  Following are examples of categories and how they might look in the classroom.

Group interaction: Students may brainstorm ideas prior to embarking upon a group task. This could be done either synchronously or asynchronously using Google docs

Authoritative interactivity: Students may be engaged with a program such as Mathletics where they are competing against members of the class online at the same time.

Dialectic interactivity: Students may work through an interactive learning object (available through Scootle) to solve a problem. The learning object will require the student to understand certain concepts in order to move forward in the ‘game’.
Dialogic interactivity: Students may view a projected app, eg Epic Citadel, and co construct a narrative 
Synergistic interactivity: Students contribute links, images, notes to a padlet which is projected on screen. The padlet can be accessed at a later time for further work.


Beauchamp, G., & Kennewell, S. (2010). Interactivity in the classroom and its impact on learning. Computers & Education, 54(3), 759-766.

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